DC TTT (Train The Trainer)
“Train the trainer” program was a customized initiative targeting an increase in sales by effectively training the trainer to build and lead the team. It showed phenomenal results for our client even though the market continued to deteriorate.
Learning Objective:
- Learn the foundations of Directive Communication Psychology and incorporate the program in your training programs;
- Apply the DC Colored Brain model to improve the effectiveness of your teams, leadership, and personal productivity;
- Administer the Colored Brain Communication Inventory, understand and interpret the scoring, genec processing, and mental flexibility and miscommunication insights;
- Use the Colored Brain Communication Cards, apply usage in training, and interpret what is said at the subconscious level of the mind;
- Develop ability to identify people with different colored brains and how they can apply that for greater productivity at work and home;
- Develop mechanism to transform people to bring out the best in each other and create a working environment of better cooperation and personal/organizational success;
- Learn a variety of other tools for specific use in training.

As a successful Certified Directive Communication Psychology Facilitator/ Practioner, you will be able totrain our internationally branded programs and apply Colored Brain Communication to Leadership, Communication, Teamwork, Conflict Management, and much more. Add the other 3 DC Psychology Train.
The Trainer Modules: Human Motivation and Drive, The Psychology of Dynamic Speaking, and DC based Curriculum Development, and learn to inspire your audiences to action, improve the effectiveness of team culture, change perceptions of senior leadership, and turbo charge personal productivity and more.
You will have the tools to train, coach and consult to bring out the best in yourself and others in theworkplace.
When you become a DC certified trainer, you will get Better results in your training and More Return business.
- Get 4 Internationally Recognized Certifications in Directive Communication Psychologythat are Accredited by the American Institute of Business Psychology.
- Each Module Includes the Full Set of Training Manuals, Facilitator’s Guides, DVDs, Cds,Slides, Participants Manuals and Handouts, and Proprietary DC Tools.
- Both the Online components of the course and the Offline components.
- Use Proprietary DC tools and Assessments to achieve learning and perception change goals.